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Approximately 16 Million children in the United States of America do not know where their next meal is coming from. They do not know if they will be eating dinner before going to bed. They do not know if they will have a healthy breakfast before they go to school.

Currently, without school lunch programs, weekend backpack programs, and summer meals programs these children would starve. As it is, these children are labeled "food insecure".

"Food insecure" is the government term used to describe people (including children) that do not have regular access to healthy food.

Basically, these households do not know where their next meals are coming from. Not having access to healthy food and regular meals effects our children's physical, mental, and educational growth.


WPFF believes that it is our moral and ethical duty as Americans and human beings to feed our children and give them every chance to grow up healthy and strong.​

Our nation has the food, the money, and the personal resources to solve this problem RIGHT NOW. It requires no new inventions, no medical breakthroughs, not even food or financial support from other countries.

It will simply take a decision by the majority of Americans that this situation is unacceptable and that we are going to work together to end it.

Will Play For Food Foundation's Mission is to bring together all the "communities" of this nation.

Everyone from the individual to the corporation,

from the government to the non-profit

needs to come together with the sole purpose

of achieving one common goal: to

END Childhood Hunger.

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