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Are you aware that each year, U.S. Businesses need tax write-offs that would equal 100x the amount it would cost to feed everyone?

Are you aware that we give away over 60 Billion Dollars/year away in foreign aid from our taxes (not counting private and corporate charities and donations)?

Are you aware that approximately 15 Million Americans are currently eligible for existing government funded programs, but are not using them, simply because they just don't know about them?

We call these things: LACK OF AWARENESS.

Awareness is the key to Ending Childhood Hunger. After Awareness exists, a problem can be dealt with and solved. This is the essence of the plan to END CHILDHOOD HUNGER.

WPFF has a three-step plan to Ending Childhood Hunger //


1) Create Awareness

People cannot rally around a cause they do not know exists. WPFF's Community Connect Programs are designed to create AWARENESS using person-to-person, word-of-mouth marketing along with other popular and practiced methods of advertising, publicity, and consumer business.

2) Feed Everyone

Food distribution organizations were established to gather food and distribute it to members of communities in need. Feeding America, the largest distributor of food to our nation's hungry, estimates they need another 1.5 billion dollars (approx. $495 million budgeted for children) to feed everyone. This number is figured to just cover the costs of feeding our nation's hungry for one year, not "end" the hungry crisis. WPFF's iPartners and FoodFighters are working hard to meet the financial needs of our food distribution partners by getting businesses and communities involved in giving back to their neighbors in need.

3) Sustainability

This is a tough step because it involves helping people help themselves. As the saying goes,

"Give someone a fish and they will eat, teach someone to fish and they will eat forever".

Sustainability involves multiple solutions for different groups of people.

We need to put trained, educated, and capable adults (approx. 25% currently receiving food assistance) back to work immediately. We need further education and training for 50% of individuals who need additional skills for employment opportunities.

Both of these items can be accomplished with a combination of private and government programs, many of which already exist. This remaining percentage of individuals are a complex group, requiring specialty services like, medical attention, living assistance, and rehabilitation. In order to help this group long-term, a budget (provided by private and government funds) and a unified program (using existing research and new organization) will have to be created to encompass sustainable funding and program facilitation.


We have the FOOD, we have the MONEY, we even have the PROGRAMS.

Unfortunately, we have a severe lack of public Awareness.

WPFF is dedicated to creating that Awareness, focusing the Food and the Money, and finally

lowering the number of Hungry Kids in this country for the first time in 34 years!

The question you have to ask yourself is, are you with us?


Click the button below to JOIN THE FIGHT to END CHILDHOOD HUNGER!


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